Our Greenpop communications consultant Carl van der Linde has been taking his camera with him to green events across the Cape area.
Combining his love for nature with his passion for photography, Carl uses his pictures as a catalyst for environmental advocacy. He documents active citizens wherever he finds them. From Greenpop’s urban greening programs to people protesting in the climate strike. HE captures the moment as they do their part in combatting the global climate crisis.
“There’s a lot of talk regarding climate change – news, social media, politics. Talk eventually becomes noise and distracts people from the imminent climate crisis. I’ve always liked the doers! Hands dirty, sweat dripping and an ever-present humble smile. Doers leave a place in a better condition than they found it.”
All images in this photo essay are taken on an analog film camera. “This allows me to slow down the photography process and think about what story I want to tell. The limited amount of shots on the roll of film also forces me to be present and mindful about light, composition and the subjects”
This photo essay is dedicated to the doers and their beneficiaries – we salute you!
– Via Carl van der Linde