Westriding Primary School

West Riding Primary School is in the Table View area. The school opened as a satellite school in the area, because of the fast increase of new residents.
The school plans on using the garden as a green space where the learners will learn how to take care of plants. They hope the learners will take the things they learn with them to their home environment. So that it not only benefits the learners but also the community. They want to use the garden as a tool to promote pride in the school and the environment.
The school looks forward to being better equipped to look after the garden.
The garden will be outside the staff room, so it is accessible for all the staff who will be looking after the garden. The school has support staff who will be responsible for the maintaining of the garden. The learners will learn how to look after the garden and will be helping the support staff out.
Quick Facts
Location: Tableview
Fynbos 1: Sponsor needed
Fynbos 2: Sponsor needed
Fynbos 3: Sponsor needed
Fynbos 4: Sponsor needed
Fynbos 5: Sponsor needed
Fynbos 6: Sponsor needed
Mature Trees: Sponsor needed
Mural: Sponsor needed
Bench: Sponsor needed
Water Tank: Sponsor Needed
Greenpop Foundation NPC is a registered non-profit organisation. Registration Number (NPO): 151-411 NPO.