10 Reasons to Plant a Tree Today
By Helen McGlead
As we set ourselves straight for 2017, it is important to remember our mission! Planting a tree, even one, makes a huge difference. Trees are our lifeline to cleaner air and a healthier environment as trees improve air quality by producing oxygen. They also store excess carbon from the atmosphere. We need trees now more than ever! Here is a list of 10 reasons why we should plant trees today!
1. Planting indigenous trees can improve the soil quality and can increase the water retention of the soil, therefore decreasing soil runoff and reducing ocean pollution.
2. Trees provide shelter and food for wildlife such as birds, squirrels and insects. Urban greening areas will help bring a lot more life to our cities!
3. Trees generate jobs and contribute raw materials for buildings, newspapers, books, etc. They are renewable, biodegradable and recyclable.
4. Trees give us visual signs of seasonal change.  Deciduous, broad-leaved trees especially have a unique form each season providing us with an ever-changing source of beauty.
5. Trees make us feel good! People are more productive when they see trees along their commute routes and from their office windows.
Plant a tree
Plant a tree
“Trees are our lifeline to cleaner air and a healthier environment.”
6. Landscapes that include trees help to lower heart rates and reduce stress and puts you in relaxation mode. Just think how great a walk in the forest feels!
7. Trees increase property value. This is particularly important in South Africa to increase the value of our lower economic areas.
8. Research shows that students that are at schools with loads of greenery and trees concentrate better in class!
9. Trees filter pollution. Plants release oxygen into the atmosphere from processing carbon dioxide. This release is important because most living things, including the plants themselves, use the oxygen during respiration for all life-sustaining processes.
10. Trees also trap dust in their leaves which helps with the overall health of an environment. Less dust means less respiratory issues!


Plant a tree
All photos come from our Urban Greening projects around Cape Town
Along with all the reasons to plant trees, there are also many ways to be a part of the movement! Donate to Greenpop and be a part of our Cape Town Urban Greening Programme. Gift a tree to a loved one, or be a responsible eco warrior.

If you are interested in planting trees, you can participate in one of our tree planting festivals! Be the person who advocates for positive environmental change and looks after our trees!

If you are planning on planting a tree yourself, and need some advice, watch our handy Greenpop video showing you how to plant a tree!


Eden Festival of Action
Keen on planting trees and getting active about the future? Come to our Eden Festival of Action to help us regreen the Garden Route.
What is Bark Stripping?

What is Bark Stripping?

Bark stripping is the illegal stripping and harvesting of the bark of a tree for individual profit. Learn more about this issue below.

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Greenpop Foundation NPC is a registered non-profit organisation. Registration Number (NPO): 151-411 NPO.