10 Woman Environmentalists You Should Know About
1. Jane Goodall
2. Sylvia Earle
3. Wangari Maathai
4. Rachel Carson
“Hold up a mirror and ask yourself what you are capable of doing, and what you really care about. Then take the initiative- don’t wait for someone else to ask you to act.” -Sylvia Earle
5. Vandana Shiva
6. Isatou Ceesay
7. May Boeve
8. Marina Silva
9. Gretha Thunberg
10. Vanessa Nakate
Vanessa Nakate is a 23-year-old environmental activist from Uganda. Vanessa is known for her protests outside of the Ugandan Parliament – to draw attention towards the rising temperatures in her country. She attended the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos along with other environmental youth activists. After being cropped out of a photo with other activists, Vanessa spoke out – bringing attention to the importance of amplifying voices from the global south and African continent in climate activism.
The underlying connection between all of these awe-inspiring women is that they believed in their cause. Never underestimate the power you have as a citizen to create change within your community. Be fearless, be courageous, be passionate. Stand on the shoulders of all of the powerful women that came before us.
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