That was my official work, but between all that I found a new family far away from home. I heard of words like startup spirit and being close with colleagues, but I never experienced that before. Working in a huge company with thousands of employees, I loved working in project management and my small teams. However, the bigger picture was difficult to understand. I had the feeling (and not only me) that the employees and their needs don’t count. It’s all about profit. And that’s what brought this world into the state we currently live in. Mother earth will survive without the human species. But we won’t survive without fresh water, regulated climate, food, forests & oxygen. In Cape Town I found so many people that care and take action. Not only during working hours but as well generally in their life. In one of the Monday morning meetings we talked about the shift in consciousness happening all over the world. My own awakening is still going on, but Greenpop and the amazing people involved with them had a positive impact on my journey. Without them I would nevertheless work on myself and my surrounding, but engaging with them definitely gave me a huge push. There is this African proverb which reflects what Greenpop stands for from my perspective “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”. I felt so in the right place that I extended my visa and stayed for an extra three months.
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Greenpop Foundation NPC is a registered non-profit organisation. Registration Number (NPO): 151-411 NPO.