Community Garden : How To Start One in 6 Easy Steps
Community Garden : How To Start One in 6 Easy Steps 9 NOVEMBER, 2017 Text By Daire Cullen Photographs By Sean Cullen There’s nothing my brother can’t do. He always has a million passion projects going on at the same time while juggling his seemingly never-ending PhD,...
These South African women have got bush.
These South African womxn have got bush. This Arbor Month, it's not only about trees... We've got bush. And so should you. At Greenpop, trees are at our roots, but after putting 80 000 trees in the ground over the last 7 years, we think it's time to branch out. In...
Can Art Play A Role For The Environment?
In a world that is ever-changing and that needs a great shift in people’s behaviour, what is the best way to communicate that need for change…
Top 10 Tips for Greening your Camping Trip
Leaving the city behind for the great outdoors and reconnecting with nature is always good for the soul, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it is always good for the environment…
6 wise trees in film that kids (and adults) can learn from.
6 wise trees in film that kids (and adults) can learn from. 07 JUNE, 2017 By Jade Calder & Georgina Lockwood They say the greatest oak was once just a little nut who held its ground. This lesson in resilience got us at Life Green Group thinking about the many...
What is Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR)?
What is Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration? 29 MARCH 2017 By Reini Marissens With climate change knocking on our door, increasing deforestation and droughts, the future sometimes looks very dark and scary. Even more for people who live close to nature and are...
Activist Spotlight: #TrekForTrees
Activist Spotlight: #TrekForTrees 16 FEBRUARY, 2017 By Ivy Pepin Being an active citizen means translating your passion into action. It might mean bringing your own bag to buy groceries. It might mean cooking a colorful vegan meal a few times a week. In one particular...
Greening Urban Spaces: January 2017
Greening Urban Spaces: January 2017 8 FEBRUARY, 2017 By Ivy Pepin We had just one planting day this month, on January 25th, and it was an energizing way to kick off a fresh new year of urban greening! The sun was already hot on our backs as we loaded up the bakkie to...
Plant a Tree – 10 TREEmendous Reasons to do it Today
10 Reasons to Plant a Tree Today 06 JANUARY, 2017 By Helen McGlead As we set ourselves straight for 2017, it is important to remember our mission! Planting a tree, even one, makes a huge difference. Trees are our lifeline to cleaner air and a healthier environment as...
Greenpop Urban Greening: the year of 2016
Greenpop Urban Greening: the year of 2016 15 DECEMBER, 2016 By Helen McGlead Greenpop spends each year in a frenzy of activity, loads of hard work and plenty of different events! Our amazing Greenpop team work tirelessly to carry out our mission; to collaborate with...
Meet our Interns: Alec Ilstrup
Meet our Interns: Alec Ilstrup 05 DECEMBER, 2016 By: Emily White Alec was an intern for Greenpop. He worked as their media intern, producing short films for promotion and eco-education and took photos for Greenpop events and activities, even taking over the...
Water less, waste less
Water less Waste less 7 NOVEMBER, 2016 By Helen McGlead According to the City of Cape Town, our dams are only at 60% and with a very long and dry summer ahead of us, we all need to take the responsibility to monitor our personal water use! I often cringe at myself...
Meet our Interns: Susanne
Meet our Interns: Susy 2 NOVEMBER, 2016 Via Roots Interns Meet Susanne, a young professional from Germany, who joined environmental NGO Greenpop to volunteer her time and use her skills and experience for a worthwhile cause. I’m Susanne, nickname Susy, 31 year young...
Green Traveling, there is bad, but be the good
How to Stay Green While Traveling 21 OCTOBER, 2016 By Emily White Everyone loves to travel, but it's no secret that between the planes, trains, and automobiles that it takes to get you to your destination, traveling can often be quite detrimental to the environment....
Arbor month : These men have #GotWood.
These South African men have got wood. This Arbor Month, Greenpop asked brave change makers to bare it all for trees. And the results are spectacular. What started out as a joke during a brainstorm quickly grew into Greenpop's boldest fundraising effort to date. With...
Greenpop Foundation NPC is a registered non-profit organisation. Registration Number (NPO): 151-411 NPO.