Investec – Taking Green Investment To New Heights
By Greenpop
At the heart of Greenpop partner, Investec‘s, corporate ethos lies a profound commitment to environmental stewardship and community engagement. Over the years, various departments within Investec have forged a meaningful partnership with Greenpop. Join us as we delve deeper into Investec’s journey of environmental responsibility and community empowerment.
Investec’s partnership with Greenpop all began at the root of our work, forest restoration. This collaboration blossomed into Investec’s involvement and active participation in our Urban Greening work around the Western Cape.
In 2021, Investec joined Greenpop’s Fynbos for the Future project, with three plant days at Sinethemba High School in Philippi. Investec’s generous donations allowed us to transform the school grounds.
Fast-forward to 2023, Investec’s global leadership came together for a full day of Action in George, South Africa. Activities on the day included a cleanup of the space, tree planting, a river health survey, and a context walk.
2023 also witnessed the dynamic culmination of Investec’s commitment to sustainable change with the Gardens For Good Day of Action at Alicedale Primary School. From building and gardening to learning and painting a vibrant mural, Investec’s dedicated team helped us bring the school grounds to life.
Not stopping there, Investec extended its green thumb to Bergrivier Primêr in 2023, where the team helped foster the growth of an indigenous garden. In addition to this, they generously sponsored a vegetable garden and irrigation system.
Join us as we delve deeper into Investec’s journey of environmental responsibility and community empowerment, exploring their ongoing partnership with us.
1.How do Investec’s company values align with Greenpop and the work we do to restore ecosystems?
Investec’s environmental policy takes into account the challenges that climate change presents to the global economy. We will consider any meaningful activity that either reduces the negative impact, or prolongs life, on our planet. We believe that as a financial services organisation and given our positioning in the developed and emerging worlds, we can make a meaningful impact in addressing climate change.
The carbon impact of our daily operations is limited. Investec’s strategy therefore is focused on creating awareness and encouraging behavioural change in recognition of our environmental responsibilities.
2. How is Investec working towards sustainable goals in your company processes and mission?
We continue to drive awareness about our direct operational impacts by influencing internal behaviour. We do this through programmes communicated to staff by Investec’s Environmental Sustainability team.
Our key focus areas to reduce our operational carbon footprint include:
- Reducing energy consumption
- Reducing water usage
- Reducing overall waste
- Reducing single-use plastic
- Increasing waste recycling rates
- Promoting sustainable travel
- Promoting sustainable procurement.
3. Can you tell us a bit about Investec’s involvement with Greenpop? (locally and internationally)
We’ve been doing big and small projects with Greenpop for more than 10+ years with each project building on the next. We started with small tree planting projects that was coupled with team builds where we assisted small local ECD’s with repair work etc.
This evolved through bigger projects and in 2023 Greenpop facilitated workshops for Investec’s International Group Conference in George which was very well received and re-ignited the attendees to initiate new projects wherever they are placed in the world.
4. Your team have joined us on the ground a few times. What does it mean to your company to get your team out in the field?
Excuse the pun, but it really grounds the individuals and the teams! There’s something to be said for getting out in the fresh air and getting your hands dirty whilst having loads of fun and doing good all at the same time! It is a unique opportunity that affords everyone the opportunity to interact with each other and the beneficiaries in a unique and meaningful way. Ventures like these with Greenpop educates and exposes without coming across as ‘preachy’ and allows for hope to step-up and step-into action.
5. What are some of your favourite highlights or memories from the Alicedale Day of Action hosted by Greenpop this year?
This was the 1st project where we included staff members’ families to also participate and it was a tremendous success! The feedback we received was wonderful – people loved being able to do something meaningful with their children, they loved being outside and bonding with their own and other families. All the different generations also mentioned that they loved the opportunity to be exposed to different communities within the same big city.
6. Does Investec have any sustainability initiatives or goals for 2024 that we could share with our audience?
Aware of the increase in greenwashing, Investec strongly believes that reputable and independent sustainability ranking firms such as Corporate Knights should continue to hold companies accountable to measurable and tangible sustainability goals. Vigilance of this nature aims to minimise the risk of stakeholders supporting companies that have poor Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices which in the long term are unsustainable and harmful to all its stakeholders.
Investec’s position in the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations reflects the collective efforts of our 8,000 employees worldwide, who continually strive to live and work sustainably within our own operations and financing activities that lead us to a cleaner and greener world. It also underpins our desire to create enduring worth by making a meaningful contribution to our community.
7. How does supporting the sustainability of landscapes and Investec’s core business (growing long-term wealth) align?
The desire to make a meaningful contribution to the world in which we live is at the heart of our values at Investec. Making an unselfish contribution to society, nurturing an entrepreneurial spirit, embracing diversity, and respecting others, underpin our aim to be responsible corporate citizens.
Investec’s Corporate Social Investments (CSI) are central to the group’s philosophy of making an unselfish contribution to society. Our approach to CSI focuses on education and entrepreneurship. We believe initiatives in these two areas are the most effective way to create employment, wealth creation and socio-economic growth in South Africa. Giving back is part of Investec’s DNA. It’s part of who we have always been. We always want to live in society and not off it.
Through these programs and initiatives, we believe we are nurturing an environment where growing long-term worth and passing it on to future generations is possible.
Thank you Investec for your ongoing partnership with Greenpop and for your continued mission to invest in our planet and in people. We look forward to this partnership growing in years to come.
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Greenpop Foundation NPC is a registered non-profit organisation. Registration Number (NPO): 151-411 NPO.