15 Things You Can Do To Make A Difference On World Environment Day
World Environment Day is organized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and has been held annually since 1974. The goal of the day of action is to promote environmental awareness and draw attention to crucial concerns around our planet’s survival, that require active engagement and commitment. Today, the day represents one of the largest global platforms for environmental action, with millions of participants from around the world. Each World Environment Day focuses on a specific issue that reflects urgent problems and challenges of our time, such as climate change, biodiversity loss or pollution.
How to Compost at Home, and Reduce Your Waste
Composting is surprisingly easy with these 4 steps – you can even do it at home, and don’t need a lot of space.
Students Learn About Groundwater at the Green Point Urban Park
The WWF Groundwater Awareness Campaign culminated in a celebratory field trip for 38 lucky learners to the Green Point Urban Park.
What is Bark Stripping?
Bark stripping is the illegal stripping and harvesting of the bark of a tree for individual profit. Learn more about this issue below.
Museum of Plastic – A Future Without Plastic!
Museum of Plastic: A Future Without Plastic!19 January, 2022By GreenpopWhat will the world look like in 2121? The Museum of Plastic provides a hopeful peek into what life could look like if we curb climate change now.Based 100 years from now in an imagined future...
World Bee Day: What’s the Big Buzz around Bees?
World Bee Day: What’s the Big Buzz around Bees?19 MAY, 2021By Reekelitsoe MolapoWorld Bee Day is the global annual celebration of bees and the role they play within our ecosystems. On December 20th 2017, The United Nations General Assembly adopted by consensus a...
Trees Greenpop Plants that are Indigenous
Trees Greenpop Plants 26 MARCH, 2021By Charlotte Mostert6 Trees that Greenpop Plants which make a difference to our reality. Trees are vital to all of our survival, for they generate oxygen and medicine; store carbon; prevent enormous loss of soil; and provide shelter...
The Importance of Urban Greening
Importance of urban greening12 MARCH, 2021By Charlotte Mostert Urban greening combats air and noise pollution, soaks up rainwater reducing flooding, creates a habitat for local wildlife, and lifts morale in the people who see it, which calms traffic and lessens urban...
Let’s compare : Cans vs. Glass vs. Plastic Bottles
This July, Greenpop has partnered with CAN DO! to explore the environmental impact of aluminium cans, and whether cans are a more sustainable alternative to plastic. In order to do so, we also have to investigate the impact of glass and plastic.
Teaching Kids (and Parents) About Waste
15 JULY, 2020 By Jan-Niclas Schindzielorz “With great power comes great responsibility.” - Spiderman Being a parent is a beautiful and miraculous thing. But it also comes with a lot of responsibility. Your actions, and the examples you set, have a big impact on your...
The Lifecycle of a Can
To start to understand the environmental impact of a can, we need to look at a can’s whole lifecycle – and assess at every point how a can will impact the environment.
How To: Teach Children About the Environment
Children are the future. That makes it even more important, to teach children about the environment and how to protect it. Here’s a little guide to start!
What does COVID-19 mean for the planet?
The novel coronavirus affects our lives on multiple levels. With us having to adapt we also need to look at how Covid-19 affects our planet.
COVID-19 Crisis – How We’re Adapting
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted “business as usual.” Here’s how Greenpop responds to the challenge.
Festival of Action – What is it all about?
The Eden Festival of Action invites everyone to get their hands dirty. See what it means to work with us on South Africa’s beautiful Garden Route.
Greenpop Foundation NPC is a registered non-profit organisation. Registration Number (NPO): 151-411 NPO.