Top 10 Environmental TED Talks
APRIL, 2018
By Lea Müller
Whenever I have some time to spare and I don’t feel like spending these 10 or 20 minutes on nonsense, watching TED Talks is the go to free time activity. They are an easy and fun way I can inform myself as I let my food settle before going back to work, on the bus ride home or as I snuggle on my sofa before going to bed. We picked for you the Top 10 environmental TED Talks so you can have some aha moments while resting.
Be Inspired

1. Nature, Beauty, Gratitude

Louie Schwartzberg captures the true beauty of the environment through time-lapse photography. If you are having a rough day, watch it twice. The first time, take in the beautiful images presented. The second time, close your eyes and meditate to let the message of gratitude resonate within you.

2. Drawings that show the beauty and fragility of Earth

Zaria Forman travels to the most endangered parts of our planet which may cease to exist soon and creates breathtaking drawings of the fragile landscape. She believes in the power of images and therefore attempts to raise awareness for climate change through her art. Follow her on adventures to Greenland and the Maldives.

3. A Dance to honor Mother Earth

Jon Boogz and Lil Buck present a vibrant performance which touches a very primordial part of ourselves. If you are not in the mood for a scientific and complex talk but rather want to absorb some positive energy, this is the talk for you. Watch the relationship between humankind and nature unfold here.
Climate Change

4. Let’s Prepare for Our New Climate

Vicki Arroyo explains that now is the time to prepare our homes and cities for our changing climate and adapt to changing circumstances.She presents us with bold projects from cities all over the world. Get excited about these local examples of thinking ahead.

5. The state of the climate — and what we might do about it

Nicholas Stern motivates us to become leaders in combating climate change and cooperate in solving the problems we are facing. He reminds us that the actions we take today will be decisive for our future. Listen to his examples on how to be active not anxious about the future!
Special Treats for Passionate Treevolutionaries

6. How trees talk to each other

Suzanne Simard, professor of forest ecology has an extraordinary theory: Trees talk! It may sound unimaginable, but you’ll soon be convinced as you listen to her brisk talk about the past 30 years in which she conducted her research. Be amazed by the astonishing network which constitutes a harmonious social life amongst trees

7. How to green the world’s deserts and reverse climate change

Allan Savory dedicates his life to investigating on desertification. After realising a terrible mistake, he starts thinking outside the box. Soon he finds that using livestock to mimic nature is paradoxically the most effective way of regreening some deserted areas. Prepare yourself for some goosebumps as you follow his journey.

8. Why Genetically Engineered Foods Should be Labeled

Gary Hirshberg emphasizes that on whatever side of the ongoing debate on genetically modified organisms you stand, labeling  foods which contain GMOS represents the right to be able to inform yourself on what you are consuming.

Good to know that South Africa has phased in a law, which requires foods to be labeled. It’s up to us to decide whether we want to buy groceries of which the long-term effect on our bodies are unknown.


9. Biomimicry in action

Janine Benyus thinks the best way to approach any design problems is to ask a simple question: How would nature solve this?

CO2 as a building block? Sure, shells and corals do it all the time. Cement companies now borrow this recipe from the organisms. Get ready for some mind-blowing facts as you learn more about natures inventiveness and how we can incorporate these stunning techniques to solve environmental challenges.

10. Using nature’s genius in architecture

Michael Pawlyn introduces us to the three habits of nature, which when applied to architecture, he promises, will make our buildings way more efficient in regard to climate and environmental concerns. Be inspired by these cool ideas to shape our urban future.
Eden Festival of Action
Keen on getting active about the future as well after watching the Top 10 Environmental TED Talks? Come to our Eden Festival of Action to help us regreen the Garden Route.
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